Local and facial cryotherapy machine

Cryosense Zero is the new revolutionary product in the world of cryotherapy. It uses nitrogen in a gaseous state to reach very low temperatures up to -180-192ºC and applies it in a localized way according to the user’s needs.

Sessions last from 2 to 30 minutes. This depends on the number of areas and parts of the body to be treated and the cold sensitivity of each person.

With nitrogen vapor during a short session, the body reacts by increasing the internal temperature causing increased microcirculation throughout the treated area.

Ask for information about Cryosense Zero and the advantages of financing plans.

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    11-inch TCT Touch screen with numerous automatic programs
    Control via a remote located on the handle with LCD touch screen
    4 cooling power levels
    Liquid nitrogen level sensor
    Temperature sensor with led lights
    Ergonomic hand-held nozzle with control buttons
    Flexible handle up to 1.5m in length
    Emergency button
    Low nitrogen consumption
    Mobile liquid nitrogen tank 50L
    Consumo óptimo de electricidad
    Power supply 220V/50Hz (100V/60Hz)

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