Benefits of cryotherapy in sports
Cryotherapy provides multiple benefits. The first one is the increased performance: cryotherapy (whole body) acts at muscular and cardiovascular levels, so its application before intense exercise increases physical performance and endurance. There is an increase in blood flow and a release of chemicals that allow the athlete to achieve greater power, greater top speed and greater fatigue resistance.
In second place, a recovery after an effort takes place. Whole Body Cryotherapy applied after great efforts enhances muscle recovery. This fact implies great benefits in periods of great physical demand, such as preseasons, competitions, etc.
In third place, recovery of injuries. Cryotherapy acts by preventing the appearance of lesions. Among the benefits of cryotherapy includes helping to recover injuries. In addition, it considerably reduces the time of convalescence due to inflammatory processes caused by traumatisms and overexertion.
And, finally we achieve a greater mental balance. Cryotherapy promotes the release of endorphins, neuropeptides that create a state of well-being, a sense of happiness and relaxation. All that provides emotional stability for the athlete, feeling of vigor and an increase in motivation.
Benefits of cryotherapy in health
It contributes to the treatment of different diseases.
For example: in the skeletal muscle system, in the central nervous system, in the emotional and psychological state, and in the skin.
Cryotherapy is based on neuroreflexive processes induced by the intense and brief effect of extreme cold on the body surface. This explains why its undoubted therapeutic results not only benefit the areas where it is applied, but also the deeper tissues.
The effects can be summarized as: pain relief, inhibition of inflammation, effect on the musculoskeletal system, functional improvement of the joints, regulation of central nervous system activity and feeling of well-being.
Benefits of cryotherapy in wellness
Reaching a state of satisfaction and fulfillment with oneself is one of the most desired goals by most people. Feeling satisfied and happy with life implies a series of aspects that must be covered. Synthesizing, these would be: psychophysiological health or well-being, feeling in harmony with oneself and the environment, perceiving emotional stability and achieving personal and social fulfillment.
The effects of cryotherapy can help to reach this goal, by achieving an improvement at several levels: health, physical appearance and mood. This will give us a great dose of optimism and will increase our life quality. This benefit of Cryotherapy is very useful when it comes to wanting to feel good.
Benefits of cryotherapy in aesthetics
Among the main positive effects of this treatment we can find:
- It boosts cellulite reduction
- It improves the quality of the skin and various disorders of the epidermis
- It increases the basal metabolic rate. Burning fat stored in the body and promoting weight reduction.
- Since it burns calories, it improves blood flow and venous (circulation) and promotes oxygenation of the blood.
In addition, with all this we achieve thanks to cryotherapy:
- Faster and smoother skin
- Rejuvenation of the skin
- Reduction of cellulitie