Cryosense, sports cryotherapy for professionals
The perfect cryotherapy machine for professional sports use
Professional sports require physical fitness at the highest level. Any detail in an athlete’s preparation can make a difference, including sports cryotherapy in training can be the key factor that allows a professional athlete to achieve his or her goals.
In Cryosense we have developed the perfect cryotherapy machine for professional sports use. The Cryosense sports cold chamber has been specially developed for sports use, providing a decisive support in the recovery from injuries and with the aim of increasing physical performance.
The benefits for athletes are also perceived on a mental and emotional level, the application of extreme cold in controlled conditions stimulates rest and well-being, encouraging the positive consequences that rest has on the athlete’s motivation.
What is sports cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy for athletes is performed in cabins that allow the use of evaporated liquid nitrogen to reach very low temperatures ranging from -110ºC to -196ºC for a short period of time of 2-3 minutes in a controlled environment. This process implies a decrease of the skin temperature below +5ºC, without affecting the central temperature of the organism, which remains constant.
The application of cryotherapy in sports has proven to be very effective, especially in high performance competitions, where there is high competitiveness. Cryosense makes the difference with respect to other cryotherapy methods, due to the application of high-performance technology for professional sports use. It is also the only cabin in the market that has thermo-contrast programs that alternate, in short time intervals, temperature increases and decreases inside the cabin, which facilitates muscular recovery after the effort.
Cryotherapy in athletes is an essential ally in improving peak performance. The cryotherapy cabin for sports developed and patented by Cryosense allows you to complement your training with a solution aimed at enhancing your capabilities in high performance situations.
Cryotherapy has 4 main effects on an area subjected to intense stress:
Vasoconstrictor effect03
Neuromotor effect04
Analgesic effectCryosense has proven the effectiveness of sports cryotherapy in some of the most important sports clubs in the world. Teams such as Real Madrid Football Club, Villarreal Football Club or RasenBallsport Leipzig already have a cryotherapy method in soccer aimed at improving muscle and bone condition.
Beyond cryotherapy in soccer players, Cryosense cabinets have helped athletes of all specialties and all over the world to improve their physical condition in a global way.
Cryotherapy for sports injuries subjects the body to cold sessions. Cryosense cabins act directly on the area of interest, completely controlling both temperature and exposure times. Thanks to the effectiveness of our cryotherapy cabin for athletes, it is possible to favor tissue regeneration, favoring and shortening recovery times in injuries, also avoiding relapses.
Reasons for choosing Cryosense
Cryosense is the only cryosauna on the market capable of combining heat and cold. In addition to the applications and advantages of cryotherapy, it also offers the advantages of cryo-contrast heat, improving the performance and results of the session.
Cryosense is the only cryosauna capable of focusing the cold at different heights. Thanks to the incorporation of monitored duct systems, the operator can have the cold output from the top, middle or bottom of the cabin. Cryosense is the cryosauna that works best on the shoulders and neck, two very important areas for the care of any athlete.
Cryosense is the safest cryosauna on the market. It incorporates a series of protective devices that guarantee a fully safe use. These devices include oxygen level sensors, safety collar, user height adjustment, safety door and systems adapted to the room in which the cabin is installed.
The Cryosense style is unique. A futuristic exterior designed by Francisco Podadera, a minimalist leather interior, a screen inserted in the dome with icons, images and information on the course of the session, LEDs that change color with the temperature and ease of use thanks to an Ipad with which you can control all the functions of the cryosauna.
Cryosense, cryotherapy for sportsmen
In Cryosense we have developed our own technology, that’s why all the devices included in our cold cabinets are oriented to sports cryotherapy processes.
A cryosauna cabin for athletes is much more efficient than traditional ice baths. The protection is important, controlling the times and temperatures of the cabin we can expose the athlete to the specific process he needs.
Cryotherapy for soccer, as for any high-performance sport, means both a fast and effective method of recovery, as well as an aid to achieve a higher peak of physical potential. In today’s sports competition, the physical differences are minimal, details in the previous preparation are what make the difference between a great athlete and the best athlete, in Cryosense we offer you a professional solution, based on technology at the service of sports performance.